In the case of diseases of social welfare such as obesity and diabetes, the solution is increasingly being looked for in lifestyle advice. The metabolic research room supports researchers in gaining more insight into the energy management of certain patient groups. This enables specific advice to be provided in the areas of nutrition, exercise and sleep. A respiration chamber is an entirely closed circuit which is connected to an innovative analysis system. This system continuously measures the amount of O2 and CO2 in the exhaled air.
A respiration chamber is an entirely closed circuit which is connected to an innovative analysis system. This system continuously measures the amount of O2 and CO2 in the exhaled air. Also, all nutrients and waste materials are measured precisely. These measurements cover 24 hours a day, with a maximum of seven days. After that period, researchers have a very accurate understanding of the subject’s metabolism and energy management. The respiration chamber was invented, developed and built by a consortium of scientists and technicians from the MUMC+ under the leadership of Dr. Paul Schoffelen.
Maastricht Instruments goes Asia
Maastricht Instruments introduced this unique room successfully to the market in 2011 and received a significant order from China in 2019. The two advanced respiration chambers and accompanying measurement systems will be installed at Fudan University in Shanghai next year, with some delay due to the global pandemic. A simpler basic module was already installed in 2019. In this way, the Brightlands Health Campus Maastricht contributes to tackling emerging wealth diseases in China.