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The most accurate measurement of metabolism for ground breaking research


Measuring Energy Expenditure: Advances in Indirect Calorimetry with a Whole-Room Calorimeter

Energy expenditure (EE) is a critical aspect of our physiological processes, reflecting the intricate balance of metabolic activities. In…

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New Metabolic Chambers at HI-MAG: Advancing Energy Metabolism Research

The Helmholtz Institute for Metabolism, Obesity, and Vascular Research (HI-MAG) in Leipzig has recently inaugurated two cutting-edge…

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New Research Opportunities with Denmark’s Most Advanced Metabolic Chambers 

 At the Steno Diabetes Center Aarhus, part of Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark's most advanced metabolic chambers are paving the way for…

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Investigating Metabolic Adaptations in Intermittent Fasting: A Detailed Study

The insightful study, "The Impact of Prolonged Fasting on 24h Energy Metabolism and Its 24h Rhythmicity in Healthy, Lean Males: A…

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Australian Catholic University’s Leap Forward in Metabolic Disease and Lifestyle Intervention Studies

Unveiling a New Research Milestone The Australian Catholic University (ACU) is set to inaugurate a state-of-the-art human metabolic…

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Unraveling the Impacts of Humidity and Temperature on Cognitive Function in Temperate Climates

Introduction With the surge in global warming, rising average outdoor temperatures and humidity levels, particularly during spring and…

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Zeit Wissen visited Maastricht University and spent seven hours in a Maastricht Instruments’ respiration chamber

In the Zeit Wissen podcast, Max Rauner investigated the amount of energy the body actually requires for the heart, lungs, and brain, as…

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History of whole-body metabolism: open circuit respirometry techniques using a diluted flow chamber, a hood, or a facemask

Schoffelen & Plasqui explained the two-century old history of whole-body energy metabolism measurement in their 2017 paper.…

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Creating health and resilience by a dynamic indoor climate

Van Marken Lichtenbelt, Pallubinsky, & Kramer studied the effects of dynamic interior climate on metabolic health.   Introduction  Our…

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Open-circuit indirect calorimeters

Schoffelen & Plasqui explained the different types of open-circuit indirect calorimetry solutions in their 2017 paper: “Classical…

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The various energy expenditure components in a room calorimeter chamber and sources of error in indirect calorimet

Schoffelen & Plasqui explained the various EE components in a respiration chamber and sources of error in indirect calorimetry in their…

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Gross and relative energy cost of domestic household activities in Asian men

The article of Goh et al. was published in Nature in 2016. Goh et al. used the whole-body room calorimeters of Maastricht Instruments for…

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New approach will map human fermentation

Scientists from Maastricht UMC+ and Maastricht University are developing a new approach to measure fermentation in the intestines through…

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24-Hour energy expenditure components: Sleeping Metabolic Rate (SMR)

Human energy expenditure (EE) is not stable over a 24 hour period, it has its own rhythm. It varies depending on the time of the day, the…

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24-Hour energy expenditure components explained

Human energy expenditure (EE) is not stable over a 24 hour period, it has its own rhythm. Energy expenditure varies depending on the time…

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Maastricht Instruments’ respiration chamber: insight into your metabolism

In the case of diseases of social welfare such as obesity and diabetes, the solution is increasingly being looked for in lifestyle advice.…

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Whole body room calorimeters to study appetite control, energy balance and the role of dietary protein

The increasing prevalence of obesity is a major problem in our modern world, a positive energy balance is one of the most critical…

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Innovation platform MUMC+

At the last moment in 2020, a brand new Clinical Research Unit (CRU) will be opened in Maastricht and is the result of a collaboration…

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Free-living research on young children in indirect room calorimeter

In our current society it is important to promote physical activity among young children. Therefore, it is necessary to accurately measure…

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The Omnical is the first to perform metabolic research on female polar travelers

Maastricht Instruments room calorimeter is used in the first study on the consequences for women undertaking expeditionary polar travel,…

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Whole-body room calorimeters — classical applications

“Room calorimeters do more than just measure energy expenditure” –said Dr John Hattersley, Senior Research Fellow at the Human…

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Effects of resistance exercise and increased dietary protein intake on 24-hour energy expenditure and substrate oxidation in healthy older men

Effects of resistance exercise and increased dietary protein intake on 24-hour energy expenditure and substrate oxidation in healthy older…

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ESPEN Clinical Nutrition

Visit us at ESPEN 2019 in Krakau

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World Congress Physical Therapy

Visit us at WCPT in Geneva Switzerland

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MI room calorimeters as human subject research platform

Maastricht Instruments room calorimeters can be easily customized for different research purposes within the field of human metabolism. A…

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Maastricht Instruments has develop the world’s first basic room calorimeter

Combining 35 years of room calorimeter experience with its state of the art metabolic cart, the Omnical system, Maastricht Instruments has…

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Accuracy and reliability of whole body room calorimeters – results over 3 years

Offering high precision and reliability, the Whole Body Calorimeter System delivered by Maastricht Instruments BV is the choice system by…

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Temperature training?

Europe may have experienced the hottest temperature ever recorded this summer. It is forecast that sweltering summers could become more…

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Studying the effects of heat on sleep

Sleeping in the heat Not having a good sleep can lead to impaired performance the next day. With the Netherlands sweltering in the 30s…

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